Payment Details
BANK : EastWest Rural Bank/Komo
Account Number: 500022193597
Account Name: Bernardo Padilla Jr
After paying, fill this up and
click "Access Now" and you will be redirected
Step 1
Use GCash or PayPal for Card Payments
Pay ₱249.00
Step 2
After sending the Payment.
Screenshot the copy of the receipt so you
can upload it later for admins to
verify your payment
Step 3
Fill up the form Input the details.
Email, Phone Number and Ref No.
which you can see on the receipt.
Lastly, Upload the receipt so the admins can verify it
Last Step
After filling all the forms, You're just gonna
click confirm and if the infomation is correct
You will get redirected to our Thankyou Page
which where the files are stored.
SSL secured checkout
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Payment Details
Account Number: 09950263051
Account Name: Bernardo Padilla Jr
Thank you
Your submission has been received! Keep an eye on your phone or email because we will contact you soon.
Thank You!
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to our Learn and Earn Program
tap "Start Now" to gain access
Payment Success!